Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Environment and Relationships

Relationship Strained? Try Creating the Right Environment.

Good loving takes some advance planning and effort. Good loving also takes practice and energy. Stop taking your relationship for granted and Plan for a great relationship.

Women with kids are nearly always exhausted. Their husbands don’t seem to get it. They don’t know the women are exhausted. They focus entirely on how hurt they are that their own personal sex goddess has turned on them.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Secrets to a Good Relationship

Is there really a Secret how to have a good relationship? In my opinion there is no set way. Everybody is Different. What works for one couple might not work for another. But there are ways to make a relationship work.

According to studies, The first 9 years of a relationship are the most critical. I do not claim to be an expert on this subject. This is my own personal opinions And experiences. When I first meet a person I like going to a quiet place and get to know them, and learn their likes and dislikes and Finding out if we are at all compatible. One thing I don't do is pretend I am someone I'm not. I figure if they don't like who I am then why bother?

Part of being yourself is being honest on your feelings and thoughts. For the most part I am very direct but I do think of the other persons feelings. Being totally honest is very important in a relationship. If I don't like what my partner is saying or doing how will he know if I do not tell him so he doesn't keep doing the same mistake over and over making me more angry.
I feel compliments get you everywhere. If I look exceptionally nice or have a new outfit on I want to know they notice. I think every woman loves that and it makes them feel special and loved. And in turn give complements to my partner also. If he is wearing a Cologne I like I let him know by saying something like oh your wearing a different Cologne I like it.

In a way I guess it comes down to: Treat people the way you like to be treated and everything will be fine. I am not saying there will be no differences of opinions but when that happens if you discuss them and come to A compromise you come out on the winning end on the most part.

How to maintain a relationship

I have to make one small assumption if you are reading this article. You are in a relationship. Now, I am not going to speculate how good or bad the relationship is-I am just going to assume that things are going well, but you just want a little more information to back up all the thoughts you have had about maintaining your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

It is such a great thing to be in love and in a relationship. There is nothing better than having your best friend with you, to share in all the great moments of your life and to comfort you when the world seems to be at your throat. In order to maintain a relationship long enough to realize they really are your best friend takes time and some honesty.

The first thing you want to make sure you always do is to be honest. The little white lie about her hair looking great or that you don’t mind his torn t-shirt, is okay for a while. Just don’t make a habit out of this. Eventually that hair or torn t-shirt is going to be the catalyst that has both of you fuming over something that really has nothing to do with what you’re screaming at each other in the moment.

Second, don’t take each other for granted. In order to maintain a relationship you have to look at your partner, knowing that they are an individual as well as a half of you. They are a person too and not a lesser being that is always there when you get home.

It doesn’t take much to show that person that you care and don’t take them for granted. One thing I always do is tell my spouse that I appreciate them. I tell them often too. It isn’t much, but is enough to just let them know how I feel.

These are just two concepts that you should keep in mind for maintaining a relationship. If you treat your other half how you would like to be treated, then I bet you will get even more in return. Good luck.

Does the word “Dating” make you sweat?

It is an essential evil to finding anyone out there who might be compatible with you and possibly be the one that you’re going to spend the rest of your life with. There are a many people out there who seem to make dating look easy, but for most of us it is a complete nightmare to work up the nerve to go over and start talking to a member of the opposite sex that doesn’t know you from the next stranger.

So how do you go about getting a date? Here are a few pointers below.

1. Just be yourself. I know…I know, you’ve heard this one so many times you are ready to pull the tongue out of the next person who says it to you. This is actually the number one best thing you can do. Just relax and be yourself.

By not pretending to be the coolest guy since George Clooney, you take a massive amount of pressure off yourself and can focus on just being pleasant and noticing the fine qualities of the person next to you.

2. Prepare yourself for rejection. It is a fact of life. Not everyone you meet is going to think your better than sliced bread. Get over it. The better you deal with rejection the more confident you will become. The more confident you become the better you will get at dating. See how everything is going hand in hand here. (Just all part of my plan.)

3. Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself. You only live once, according to some people, and by giving yourself permission to make a fool of yourself, you can alleviate some of the stress of worrying about it. If you do happen to do something stupid, be the first one to laugh at yourself. Often this is a great way to get back those cool points that you just dropped on the floor.

Dating doesn’t have to be a scary proposition. Just take these few pointers here and get started. The more you start asking people out and going out on dates the better you will get at it. Good luck.

Attracting True Love

It’s very simple, but some people won’t believe it. If you want love from another, if you want the perfect mate, you first have to LOVE YOURSELF!!! The reason for this is that our thoughts attract to us exactly what we think we deserve. If we love ourselves, we will attract a good partner. If we don’t love ourselves, we will attract an unsuitable partner, perhaps an abuser. I know- I am a survivor of domestic violence, and I didn’t love myself until just a few years ago.

The first step involved is to gain an awareness of the fact that we are not always in full control, even of our own minds. This is often in direct conflict with our ego who likes to imagine all is under its control; however, we must not let delusion get the best of us. One simple way of understanding this is to think about what happens when we try to keep something in mind for an extended period of time. What usually happens? The mind gets bored. When we wish to focus our mind on something, we tend to have to fight to keep it there. If we do not exert a substantial amount of effort, our mind will have the tendency to wander off to more exciting and alluring distractions. Just imagine the harm that this can cause in our magickal workings. Who knows what subconscious intentions we are putting into our works without even knowing it? The mind is moving and working constantly (even when we think we are holding it still), and we must continually remind ourselves of this if we are to one day master it. If we do not keep this knowledge firmly in mind, we will never pay close enough attention to the mind’s inner workings to see all of the subtle tricks that it can play.

The second step is to gain an awareness of the fact that we can at least have some control over this process through various techniques of mental cultivation. First, we have to work constantly at strengthening our mindfulness so that we can become increasingly more aware of what is actually going on within the vast, complex structure of our minds. In simpler terms, we must flex our mental muscles to keep them in shape, and exercise effort to keep our mindfulness sharp and alert at all times. Simple breath meditations or some other form of mindfulness training can be done to help develop this. Next, we need to observe these mental processes in action. We have to be as aware of our intentions as we can be (i.e. know why we are about to do something), and then observe the consequences of the actions that follow. Even after the fact -- when we believe the outcome of our actions to be good, bad, or neutral -- we still need to be aware of possible changes, since the full results can take time to mature. Quite often, the way that it usually works is that the mind intends, we act according to those intentions, and then we simply forget about it. This is just plain sloppy. We need to remain continuously alert and sensitive to what we are doing at any given time. The power we will eventually learn to wield is not a toy by any stretch of the imagination.

The third step is to refine the first two steps until they are able to be performed effortlessly. This means that we have to practice everyday, and constantly be aware of whatever arises in our experience regardless of the outcome. We must remind ourselves to pay close attention to these mental qualities, and what effect they have on our actions. If things are going well, we simply note that and try to learn why they seem to be going well. Conversely, if things are not going well, we simply note that and try to learn why they seem not to be going well. Sometimes we may learn that the reasons why things turned out the way they did were completely out of our control, but other times we may learn exactly what it was that we did to influence the outcome. In essence, we are becoming mindful of precisely how our intentions influence our actions, and how those actions produce results. In this way, we will learn to have more control over our magickal workings in the future. This is not the end of the training, however, because we still must work on the intentions themselves.

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in it original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. We can form things in our thoughts, and, by impressing our thoughts upon formless substance, can cause the thing we think about to be created.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Secrets to a Good Relationship

Is there really a Secret how to have a good relationship? In my opinion there is no set way. Everybody is different. What works for one couple might not work for another. But there are ways to make a relationship work. According to studies, the first 9 years of a relationship are the most critical. I do not claim to be an expert on this subject. This is my own personal opinions and experiences.

When I first meet a person I like going to a quiet place and get to know them, and learn their likes and dislikes and Finding out if we are at all compatible. One thing I don't do is pretend I am someone I'm not. I figure if they don't like who I am then why bother. Part of being you is being honest on your feelings and thoughts. For the most part I am very direct but I do think of the other person’s feelings.

Being totally honest is very important in a relationship. If I don't like what my partner is saying or doing how will he know if I do not tell him so he doesn't keep doing the same mistake over and over making me angrier. I feel compliments get you everywhere. If I look exceptionally nice or have a new outfit on I want to know they notice. I think every woman loves that and it makes them feel special and loved. And in turn give complements to my partner also. If he is wearing a cologne I like I let him know by saying something like oh your wearing a different cologne I like it. In a way I guess it comes down to: Treat people the way you like to be treated and everything will be fine. I am not saying there will be no differences of opinions but when that happens if you discuss them and come to a compromise you come out on the winning end on the most part.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Welcome to Relationships and You!

Hello freinds,

Welcome to Relationships and you. On this site I will be studying relationships, love, dating, romance, marriage and much more. I am by no means an expert, I am only using this site to store information I find, and report about relationships in my life and what I have experienced. Please consult a professional relationship counselor in your area for advice.

As I do my reseach I will post things I find here so I can scrutinize them further later. This way I can organize my notes on relationship issues and refer back to them later.

I hope my efforts here can help others in their research as well. There are many sites that cover topics like love, dating, romance and marriage and I will do my best to gather the best information here in one place.

Feel free to post comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts on relationships.